Walton MM23 Flash file Without Password Download 6531E Google Drive, Walton MM23 Boot Key, Walton MM23 Firmware cm2 100% Tested, Walton Mobile All official Flash File
We’ll talk about the issues associated with Walton MM23 Flash File and its flash onto this page. Exactly what exactly are the probable issues with the Walton MM23 mobile phone, the way to solve these, and what tools to eliminate them? Therefore why don’t we begin? Let us find out precisely what a flash file is? And what exactly does it do? The reason it’s essential.
You may stick to along with and flash your apparatus successfully. Additionally, here thoroughly explain each one the flashes that need installing and using principles. Do not worry about studying this article carefully and then flash your Walton MM23 and many others’ same type of mobile apparatus.
Scanning USB Serial port…
SU2Serial Port: COM39
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Infor: SPRD3
Initialize boot33…
CPU type: 6531E
Flash type: NOR
Flash ID: 00EF0040(00160000)
Flash Model: W25Q32BV
Flash Size: 0x400000(4.0M)
Read Completed.
>>File save to: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\F File New\Walton MM23 Flash File\6531E_W25Q32BV.bin
File Name: Walton MM23 Flash File 6531E
CPU: SpreadTrum SC6531E
File Type: Bin
File Size: 4MB
Flash File Download Link: Google Drive